Types of Communication

Hey there! šŸŒø I’ve always believed that communication is the golden bridge that connects hearts, minds, and souls. Whether it’s a casual chat over coffee, a family gathering, or a crucial presentation at work, how we express ourselves shapes our relationships and our experiences. Not everyone is born with the gift of the gab, but that’s perfectly okay. Like any other skill, communication can be honed and enhanced with a sprinkle of dedication and a dash of effort. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey to elevate your communication game. Buckle up!

šŸ‘‚1. Let’s Tune in: The Magic of Active Listening

Ever noticed that the best conversationalists are often those who genuinely listen? There’s a beautiful saying: “We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak.” Iā€™m not sure who came up with that, maybe it was my grandma šŸ¤”, but it sure does sound about right, doesn’t it?

Why is active listening so enchanting? Well:


It’s about giving the speaker our full, undivided attention. This means not just hearing the words but truly understanding the emotions, nuances, and intentions behind them.

Being an active listener makes the speaker feel truly valued and acknowledged. It’s like giving them a warm, comforting hug with your ears.

When you actively listen, you’re not just passively absorbing words, but you’re engaging, empathizing, and connecting.

Furthermore, active listening allows you to pick up on the subtle cuesā€”both verbal and non-verbalā€”that the speaker might be giving away. This insight can lead to a deeper connection and understanding, also preventing potential misunderstandings.

Quick tip: Next time someone’s talking to you, try to mentally summarize what they’re saying every couple of minutes. It’s a neat trick to ensure you’re truly tuned in!

šŸ’ƒ 2. Speak Without Words: The Symphony of Body Language

Communication isn’t just about words; it’s a dance where our body often leads. Our posture, gestures, and facial expressions can unveil stories our words might not tell. As therapists, we are often told that we are mind readers, when in fact ā€“ we have simply mastered the skill of reading body language, another types of communication.

A deep dive into this non-verbal ballet:


Our eyes can be incredibly expressive. Maintaining good eye contact signals confidence, interest, and trustworthiness. On the flip side, constantly looking away or avoiding eye contact might be perceived as discomfort, disinterest, or even dishonesty. (Pro tip: donā€™t assume that someone is fibbing just because they are looking away! Many times people look away while they are thinking about what to say, uncomfortable, and more so, when they are remembering events.)

Our posture tells tales too! Standing tall and firm radiates confidence, while slouching might be seen as a lack of interest or low self-esteem.

Even our hands are chatty. Open palm gestures can indicate openness and honesty, while crossed arms might signal defensiveness or discomfort.

Little challenge: Next time you’re in a conversation, observe the other person’s body language and see what additional stories you can decipher. Similarly, be aware of your own body cues. The more conscious we become, the better we can ensure our body sings in harmony with our words.

Want to be a pro? As you are reading the other personā€™s body language note the messages that you are receiving and the judgments you are making, and ask yourself ā€œis this true?ā€ Often we perceive others through our own lens and project our own agendas onto others. Just because you believe it, doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s true!

šŸ¤” 3. Think it Out: Why Pausing is Powerful

Ah, the beauty of a well-placed pause! The spaces between our words can sometimes be as potent as the words themselves. While this isn’t considered a types of communication, it is just as important:

Here’s why taking a moment is monumental:


By pausing before responding, we give ourselves time to process and formulate a response that aligns with our true feelings and intentions.

A rushed response can sometimes be impulsive, potentially leading to misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

A thoughtful pause can make our words more impactful and credible. When people notice that we ponder before speaking, they’re more inclined to take our words seriously.

Practice point: Next time you’re posed with a question or a topic, count to three before responding. This simple exercise can drastically refine the quality of your responses.

Want to be a pro? If you donā€™t know something, or arenā€™t sure what you think, say it! ā€œIā€™m not familiar with that, can you explain?ā€ or ā€œIā€™m not too sure what I think (how I feel) about that, can I get back to you on that?ā€ These honest and transparent answers will help to create trustworthiness and stronger bonds ā€“ not to mention increase self-esteem, but that it for another blog post.

šŸŽ­ 4. Rehearse and Radiate: The Confidence Catalyst

Practice, they say, makes perfect. Well, in the world of communication, practice makes one poised, persuasive, and powerful.

Letā€™s understand the art of rehearsing:

When we take the time to go over what we wish to convey, we refine our messaging. We can identify and iron out any kinks, ensuring clarity and confidence.

Practicing our communicationā€”whether it’s for a presentation, a difficult conversation, or a public speechā€”helps solidify our thoughts and expressions. Familiarity breeds comfort!

The beauty of rehearsing is that it allows us to anticipate potential questions or objections. This preparedness ensures we aren’t caught off guard.

Exercise time: Next time you have something significant to communicate, practice in front of a mirror or record yourself. Analyze, refine, and repeat. Notice the surge in your confidence!

šŸ—£ 5. The Charm of Conciseness: Less is Often More

Have you ever listened to someone who speaks clearly and thought, “Wow, they’re so clear and to the point!” That’s the charm of being concise.

Why brevity is beautiful:

A clear, concise message cuts through the clutter. It stands out and is easily understood and remembered.

Rambling or beating around the bush can often dilute the main message and lead to confusion.

Being concise respects the listener’s time and attention. In today’s fast-paced world, people appreciate brevity.

Tip to try: Challenge yourself to convey a complex idea in just a few sentences. It’s a fun way to hone your skill of being concise!

Pro Tip: There are some topics that just need more words to accurately communicate what needs to be said. Know the difference between the things that need more value-add and those that do not.

šŸš« 6. Simplify the Story: Cutting Down on Explanations

Imagine being given a map with too many directionsā€”it’s confusing! Similarly, over-explaining can cloud our message.

Here’s why it’s essential to keep it simple:

Concise communication lets the main message shine, eliminating potential distractions.

Offering too many explanations can sometimes make us seem unsure or lacking in confidence.

By simplifying our message, we invite interactive conversations. We give listeners space to ask questions, which can lead to richer, more engaging exchanges.

Thought experiment: Think of a topic you’re passionate about. Now, try explaining it to a five-year-old. It’s a delightful way to simplify complex ideas!

šŸ§˜ 7. Navigating the Emotional Seas: Balanced Expression

Our emotions can add color to our types of communication, but it’s crucial to strike a balance. Too much emotional saturation can muddle our message.

Hereā€™s the scoop on emotions and expression:

Being aware of our emotions helps us navigate conversations more effectively. It ensures that our feelings enhance, rather than overshadow, our message.

By managing our emotions, we become better listeners. We’re able to empathize and connect more deeply, fostering understanding and rapport.

Emotional balance in communication can help avoid potential conflicts or misunderstandings. It ensures that we respond rather than react.

Reflection activity: The next time you’re in an emotionally charged situation, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, “How do I want to feel at the end of this conversation?” This simple check-in can guide your responses.

Pro Tip: When you know that you are embarking on an emotional conversation, set it up in a way that both you and the other party can feel safe. Let them know that it may get emotional and that if things get heated you will ask for a time-out to calm down, but you will come back to the topic because it is important. Take the time out, if needed, because itā€™s better to call a time-out than it is to end up in a conflict that may be damaging to the overall relationship.

šŸ¤— 8. Seeking the Sage: The Beauty of Asking for Help

No matter how adept we become, there’s always room for growth. And sometimes, the best way to grow is to seek guidance.

Why asking for help is a hallmark of strength:

We expose ourselves to new perspectives, ideas, and vocabulary. This diversity can greatly enrich our communication palette.

Feedback helps us identify areas of improvement. It’s like a mirror that shows us both our strengths and areas to polish.

By being open to guidance, we embody the spirit of lifelong learning. And isn’t that the true essence of personal growth?

Growth exercise: Seek feedback from trusted individualsā€”friends, family, or professionals like me. Take notes, reflect, and implement. Watch your communication blossom!

types of communication

Communication and Equine Assisted Therapy


In short, communication is much more than mere words. It’s an intricate tapestry woven with thoughts, feelings, intentions, and expressions. As we journey through life, refining our communication skills can be one of the most fulfilling and empowering endeavors. Remember, it’s a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. Embrace every moment, every lesson, and every connection. Here’s to communicate with clarity, compassion, and confidence! šŸŒŸšŸ—ØšŸŒˆ

If you need help with your communication skills, horses have a whole other types of communication and are master communicators! Join us for equine assisted therapy sessions and learn from the pros!