Horse Therapy

Funding Sources


For families and individuals in need of a little extra financial support, we have compiled some community and government funding options that are available. Please follow the direct links to learn more about them and submit an application.


Canadian Tire Jumpstart

Jumpstart’s core purpose is to enrich the lives of children in need (4-18 years old) through sports and physical activity. They assist with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation.

Click here to bring you directly to the Jumpstart online application.

Grey National Child Benefit (NCB)

Applicants must reside in Grey County, have household earnings less than $50,000 per year, and have children under 18 years of age residing with you on a regular basis.

Click here to view the details and full application through the YMCA website.

The application may also be picked up at the YMCA or Grey County municipal offices.

Youth reach

Youth recreational funding is available through youthreach for Simcoe county residents that are facing financial barriers.

Click here to apply online through their website.

Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO)

MNO is the government of Métis people and communities in Ontario and funds HTCC programs and services for their community members. Please contact our administration if you are a member of the Métis people and communities in Ontario.

Children’s Aid Society

CAS offices within Ontario often fund our services and programs. If you are involved with CAS, please reach out to our administration office and we can help you get funding approved.


Passport Program

Individuals with developmental disabilities that are 18 years of age or older may receive funding for recreational programs through Passport. This program is funded through the government of Ontario and administered by your local Developmental Service Ontario office.

Click here for more information

Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO)

MNO is the government of Métis people and communities in Ontario and funds HTCC programs and services for their community members. Please contact our administration if you are a member of the Métis people and communities in Ontario.

Horse Therapy

Children’s Aid Society

CAS offices within Ontario often fund our services and parent programs. If you are involved with CAS, please reach out to our administration office and we can help you get funding approved.


Horse Therapy

Horse Therapy Centre of Canada Financial Assistance

After exhausting the above funding opportunities, individuals of all ages are invited to apply for our in-house funding program. HTCC receives generous donations from families and individuals who want to help. We use 100% of donated funds to sponsor clients in need.

Need More Information?

Explore these guides developed by Disability Credit Canada Inc. for more information.

Who We Provide Support To